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Tuesday, May 5, 2009


This term comes across my mind. Do i one of those camwhore addicts?
It seems true but i just too dumb in those skills. HAHAHA...*stupid*
I really stupid in these kind of things even photoshop-ing skills as well..
Looking forward to work out for it to keep myself on 'modern track'!!

Skills will never fade away, unlike those feeling can change everytime *Human is born to be sensitive animal* When THUNDERSTORM strikes or even a minor incident, human behavior tends to change up side down. Skills that are learned can be stored automatically without realizing.
That is the beauty of learning brand new skill..

Come back to camwhore skill...
Girls are tend to have those self satisfaction when taking their own pictures..But nowadays, guys look the same as well. Even there are some more camwhore maniac outside there!!!
Actually it has been a trend so far since guys also take seriously on the appearance. They dress like going to Ball even just for simple outing. They also take a period of time to 'make up' in front of the mirror like girl does. Even myself, i fall into that category as well.*winks* *feeling proud*

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