Today is my last day of my 6 months internship. Dean came to visit and took evaluation on me. I wonder how is my manager's evaluation on me throughout this whole 6 months. I guess should be alrite to him. He brought me out for lunch--so called farewell lunch *but he didnt mean it*..i guess only.hahaha...
Well..we went for vegetarian dishes. We chatted for the longest period I ever had conversation with him for this 6months. Wow.that was great. Right now, I no longer attached to Fonterra. I need not to wake up everyday in the morning to drive to Fonterra again. *Mixed Feeling now*
2more days I will be heading back to Ipoh and soon kk is awaiting me. Guess wat..thesis is HERE!
KK again..kinda dun wish to back there. Without nice food..without my own car..aikzz...